Wild In Art




Direct link: https://vimeo.com/686789047


DIGITAL MEDIA: Mobile/App Design


Blue2 Digital


Wild In Art


Wild in Art creates popular, outdoor art events across the globe, enabling event partners to reach new audiences, raise charitable funds, and increase engagement. We were tasked by Wild in Art to build their new app that acts as a companion for each event and allows users to follow the art trails, find sculptures on the map, collect them, and collect rewards. Additionally, users can find information about the events that are taking place during each trail, learn more about the charities, and most importantly donate to good causes.

We created an app that was not only visually pleasing but also intuitive for users of all ages. Our goal was to create an app structure and format that was easily adaptable and could accommodate different events across the globe. We had to take into account that with each different art trail we would be working with different brand guidelines and assets, and the resulting visuals had to be colourful, playful and reflect the values and work of both Wild in Art and the event partners.