Templehall Neighbourhood Masterplan – A Local Place Plan




ARCHITECTURE: Regeneration




Fife Council


Templehall Neighbourhood Masterplan, A Local Place Plan, KirkcaldyMasterplans are long-term frameworks outlining new development, regeneration and new directions and priorities such as climate change. UrbanPioneers developed a set of questions which guided the development of the masterplan throughout, and which were used to test the outcomes against. Is it possible to implement the required changes despite reduced public spending? Can we develop proposals and guidelines which can be taken forward by the community itself? Could the masterplan contribute to a sustainable neighbourhood development and assist the community climate adaptations?Human Orientated Urbanism From the beginning it was key to become part of the community by visiting and taking part in as many community events as possible, to meet the community on their terms and to identify as many key stakeholders such as community groups and activities. By understanding the existing physical and social infrastructure, an overall strategy for the green and open spaces were identified: the development of Green networks/ Biodiversity Corridors, Neighbourhood Community Spaces, Residential Spaces and ‘The Social Heart’ setting out design guidelines for each.A Climate Friendly Place During the development of the masterplan Fife Council launched its Climate Fife Action Plan setting out a Fife-wide approach with actions that need to be taken to proactively reduce climate change. These will be implemented through eight themes, all of which link into the masterplan and are integral to the development of all proposed improvements.Making It Happen Key areas to support sociability, contact to nature and well-being have been outlined and design principles set out to be further designed and developed in the future. Ensuring implementation it was key to collaborate during the masterplan development with workstream partners to tie in with existing work, such as developing a long grass management plan, informing the position & designs of the new community HUB and its external areas.In addition engagement and workshop projects have been outlined based on the community needs that were identified during the masterplanning process. These projects tie in with existing community groups, stakeholders and local activities, using these as the driver not only for change but also collaboration between local groups and public authority and bringing different groups with common desire and needs within the community together.The Templehall Neighbourhood Masterplan and Local Place Plan not only outlines a design framework but an integrated climate and social plan to cater for uncertainty and community empowerment.

